Is Your Family Medical Leave Policy Up-to-Date?

The Administrator of the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) periodically responds to new Family Medical leave Act (FMLA) compliance questions from employers and employees. Notable ones are posted for the benefit of people facing similar situations. This article contains a sampling.

A recent case deals with whether an employee’s time away from work to attend regular meetings at her children’s school qualifies as FMLA-sanctioned leave. The meetings were with school officials to discuss the special needs of the children and appropriate “”individualized education plans.

The Deductible Mileage Rate for Business Driving Decrease for 2020

The IRS has announced the 2020 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.

Recent Developments in GASB 84: Fiduciary Activities

Many governments have had recent questions and concerns about the impact GASB 84 would have on reporting defined contributions plans in government/fiduciary statements.

10 Tax Elections to Save Money on Your 2019 Return

2020 is a presidential election year. You’ll have an opportunity to cast a vote for your favored presidential candidate in November, but you can make several other key “elections” this year when filing your 2019 tax return. These elections may be influenced by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), as well as the year-end spending package that was signed late last year.

Stretch IRAs Lose Potency under the SECURE Act

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act contains a number of favorable provisions that will help Americans save more for retirement. However, the new law also contains an unfavorable provision that will affect nonspouse IRA beneficiaries who inherit accounts with substantial balances. As a result, some carefully constructed estate plans will be diminished.

SECURE Act Affects Retirement and Tax Planning for Individuals

On December 20, President Trump signed into law the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act. It was part of the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act federal spending package.

Payroll Tax Changes and Other Related Matters for 2020

The FICA tax calculation is comprised of two components: Social Security (SS) and Medicare (MDCR). The federal unemployment tax wage base will remain the same for 2020.

What Employers Should Know About the SECURE Act

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was mainly intended to help individuals save more for retirement. But the new law also contains provisions that help simplify the administration of retirement plans for employers and allow more employees to participate in 401(k) plans. Here are some provisions that may affect business owners.

New Spending Law Contains Holiday Surprises

On December 20, President Trump signed into law the annual government spending package, which includes amendments to the tax law, the repeal of certain Affordable Care Act (ACA) taxes and various retirement measures. Here’s an overview of key changes that will affect businesses and individual taxpayers.

National Tax Security Awareness Week

This week marked the 4th National Tax Security Awareness Week. A joint effort between the Internal Revenue Service, state tax agencies, and the nation’s tax industry, this week seeks to raise awareness among taxpayers regarding the importance of online security awareness steps that everyone should take to safeguard their personal information.